Luke Graham

Could house prices double again?

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Property commentators regularly discuss the general rule of Australian real estate prices doubling every 10 to 15 years. This has been the case over recent decades, but some argue this will slow down. At Blue Wealth Property, our view has been that property price growth may not be as aggressive in the future as it has been in the past. With that said, positive sentiment has returned to the market following a number of helpful changes throughout 2019. Chief among these have been three cash rate drops and corresponding drops in mortgage interest rates.

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Luke Graham

More Australian families choosing apartment living

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Australian house prices have been steadily climbing over the decades alongside a rapidly growing population. Despite government efforts, the bulk of our population growth (and thus, demand for new housing) has been concentrated in few major cities and regional centres. Until very recently, we Australians characterised ourselves in part by the quarter-acre block, but even those still living in houses are less likely to have a block that large.

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Jack Guthrie

New vs Old – What Offers More to Investors?

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Naivety to the rules of the real estate market can often drive the first time buyer to believe that cheaper properties make a better investment. The idea is that they are getting a better deal because they are paying less. In reality, when you take a closer look into what you’re purchasing it becomes evident that nothing comes without a price and if something seems too good to be true (or too cheap to be true) it probably is.

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Jack Guthrie

Depreciation and Capital Gains

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Taxation can be a bland subject, but it’s something that makes a massive difference to investors when understood properly. This week I want explore capital gains tax and how it is impacted by your property’s depreciation. For those that aren’t familiar with either, I’ll cover off on both of these first, so we are on the same page.

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Jack Guthrie

Buying in Your Suburb

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Property is such a unique investment and part of Australian culture. Holiday homes and Air BnB’s are so common in today’s society, and it can make property hard to treat the same as shares, gold, bonds or cash. Funnily enough, if you queried the majority of investors none would want to live nearby the headquarters of the company they had invested in, or close to the mine that the gold had come from. However, most of us want to buy in a market close by so we can feel in control.

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Jack Guthrie

Goal Setting and Property

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Measuring success can be a difficult task without having goals. Essentially a goal is a dream with a deadline. A “good” goal takes your purpose and turns it into something concrete and specific. A dream is to “own ten investment properties” where a goal is “I want to own ten investment properties by the time I’m 40”.

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Jack Guthrie

Property Sellers Reaping Strong Profits

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It’s often true that the squeakiest wheel gets the most oil, and those who make the most noise will often receive the most attention. The same can be said for investors. An unfortunate truth is that when one investor experiences a negative result, they more than likely will voice their negative opinion, leading others to expect that they are in the same boat. This effect is ringing true throughout our market at the moment. Media headlines about shonky building quality, subjective valuations from lenders and even generalised market commentary are all petrifying investors into the idea that they are holding onto ticking time bombs.

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Jack Guthrie

Booms and Busts: Is This One Any Different?

Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

Exaggerated claims of detrimental market movements have been ringing through our airways for the last 24 months. Since our natural market correction in mid 2017, major household media influencers have rung the property bubble bell once again, urging many around the country to call for concern. I wanted to take a couple of minutes to look back and explain why recent housing performance is normal and a part of our nation’s natural economy. The reality is that recent results from our housing market are far from unique. Fundamentals remain strong opportunity for investment perpetuates.

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