Jack Guthrie

Why bank valuations have nothing to do with value

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Let me run you through a scenario. Imagine heading to a dealership to buy a new car. The dealer offers you a price on a car that you love of $50,000 and leaves to prepare paperwork. He is replaced by a new “automotive professional” who tell you that the same car is now worth $55,000. A third appears to tell you that the car has been oversold and is actually worth $45,000. All of them know the car well and seemingly have the same motivation to help you buy the car.

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Joshua Mellick

How is Land Tax Restricting Your Cash Flow?

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Property investment is a common topic around the water cooler throughout Australia, but an important aspect often overlooked, or frequently misunderstood is the concept of land tax. Surprisingly, land tax can be a factor that ruins an investors cashflow if not accounted for properly. Although your investment strategy should not be based solely around tax, it should be understood before you pull the trigger on a major investment.

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Jack Guthrie

Why 2019 has been the perfect year for rentvestors

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Declining property prices and shrinking investor demand over the last 24 months has seen the Sydney lose its mantle as the country’s Blue-Chip investment. Volatility has left Sydneysiders with a number of property related questions hanging over their heads. Doubts about finance and lending, and the general direction of the market have left locals marred with confusion about their next steps in the market.

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Joshua Mellick

Will Australia’s Newest Generation Take Over the Market?

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The country is outgrowing expectations and there is no sign of slowing down. Over the past 8 years our population growth rate has ranged from 1.49% to 1.67%, equating to almost 400,000 additional residents to the population each year. It was only mid-2018 when Australia’s population surpassed 25 million, a milestone met 33 years before expectations – now we are likely to hit 26 million within the next 18 months.

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Jack Guthrie

Will Adelaide’s Housing Market Perform over the midterm?

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We regularly get questions about interstate markets and why they aren’t approved by our model for investment. With volatile performance impacting the appeal of select few housing markets throughout Australia, many current questions are based around the relatively dormant Adelaide housing market. This week, I want to highlight that while the city of churches may be one of the most beautiful places to live in the country, it may not be beneficial to investors over the long term.

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Jack Guthrie

Australia’s Ageing Population

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The Australian baby boomer can be defined as anyone born between 1946 and 1964. They are an iconic generation within our nation’s history that defined our Australian dream. This period saw prosperity in economic growth, industrial manufacturing and ultimately population growth. It is estimated that over 5.5 million Australian babies were born over this period – the most significant event of population growth in the history of our nation at the time.

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Joshua Mellick

The Howard Smith Wharves Revitalisation – A Sign of Things to Come

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Brisbane is rapidly emerging as a world city. Its economic development through job creation, infrastructure spending and enhanced lifestyle are acting as a key driver in the continuing transformation of the city. Brisbane acts as Australia’s closest capital city to Asia, offering an appealing business environment in a region supporting an ever-increasing share of global economic growth.

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