Dr Tony Hayek

Why Negative Gearing is a community service

Dr Tony Hayek2 Comments on Why Negative Gearing is a community service

So we all know that Property Investment and Negative Gearing are popular topics among Australians. The removal of Negative Gearing was a major policy discussion in the recent federal election and it came under heavy scrutiny. For Labor, it was the lead runner on the path to change. History now tells us that it backfired as a strategy to win the votes of the Australian people. According to Labor, Negative Gearing was exclusively used by a ‘wealthy’ class of Aussie and that it was in the best interests of the majority of Australians for it to be removed. Turns out the Australian people didn’t feel the same way.

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Dr Tony Hayek

Why Negative Gearing is a community service

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So we all know that Property Investment and Negative Gearing are popular topics among Australians. The removal of Negative Gearing was a major policy discussion in the recent federal election and it came under heavy scrutiny. For Labor, it was the lead runner on the path to change. History now tells us that it backfired as a strategy to win the votes of the Australian people. According to Labor, Negative Gearing was exclusively used by a ‘wealthy’ class of Aussie and that it was in the best interests of the majority of Australians for it to be removed. Turns out the Australian people didn’t feel the same way.

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Jack Guthrie

What Is the Fastest Growing Region In Australia?

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Australia’s level of population growth over the last decade has been nothing short of miraculous. Our little country has outgrown the majority of OECD nations, adding almost 3 million residents through strong levels of overseas migration. To give you some perspective, that’s the equivalent to adding the population of Western Australia since 2009.

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Jack Guthrie

How Fear Impacts Decision Making

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Research conducted by associates of Cornell University suggests that as humans we make approximately 35,000 decisions each day. The importance of each ranges widely from what to eat in the morning, right up to life changing decisions such as who to marry and where to live. As a result, effective decision making can be one of the most important skills a person will ever learn.

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Jack Guthrie

Are You Australia’s Typical Investor?

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Australian’s are renowned for their love of property. Whether it be the savvy investor or the home improver, the majority of our population have some form of property interest throughout their life. Yet, there is a connotation that Australia’s property markets are owned through monopoly of the upper class.

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Dr Tony Hayek

The Fear of Uncertainty

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Australian property owners have undergone some testing times over the past 18 months. Buyer confidence has been beaten around by lending changes, leadership battles and chatter about our mythical “property bubble”. If you had read some of the reports leading up to the latest election you would have been certain that it was the end for the market. In reality, it’s nothing that we haven’t seen before. The media and selective political parties have leant on pessimistic data to create a useful fear in the minds of Australians.

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Jack Guthrie

The Evolution of Brisbane’s Infrastructure

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When it comes to Australian cities, Brisbane is arguably the success story of the decade. The city’s value proposition coupled with exceptional residential amenity has made it one of the most rapidly evolving urban hubs in the country. Major investment into both transport infrastructure and the creation of innovative civic spaces has seen the international appeal of the river city grow immensely. Brisbane’s tourism industry now contributes $25 billion to the economy per annum, generating 7.8% of Queensland’s Gross State Product.

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Jack Guthrie

What Are Vacancy Rates?

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The average property investor will have heard the term “vacancy rate” thrown around often, but not everyone truly understands the meaning behind the term. In market analysis, there are a number of metrics that are used to measure the level of rental demand throughout a suburb. Rental yields and vacancy rates are two regularly used indicators which have a closely linked relationship. Often when rental yields decline (reactive to lessened rental demand) vacancy rates have a tendency to increase.

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Jack Guthrie

What Are Valuations?

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For those who have made property investment a significant part of their life, valuations are common practice. But the reality is a large portion of Australian’s either don’t know what valuations are or, have a misconception of the process behind them. So, this week I would like to spend some time on the topic of valuations and what it means to you as an investor.

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