Jack Guthrie

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Property is a unique asset class. Contrasting with stocks, bonds and returns are based on rental income (rather than dividends) and the ability to leverage a significant portfolio is far greater than other types of investment. Unlike other forms of investment, it is tangible and allows a larger degree of control for the purchaser.

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Jack Guthrie

Blue Wealth’s Rejection Rate

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Selecting an investment property can be a confusing process for the everyday Australian. There are a number of features that have to be weighed up before you take the plunge and lock in a purchase. You may be left asking, where should I buy? Should I choose house and land or apartments? is this price too high? All of which can mean the difference between a good and bad investment.

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Jack Guthrie

Moving Day: More than ever families are leaving Sydney for Brisbane

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More Sydney siders than ever are moving to South East Queensland, off the back of the harbour city’s market stagnation. In a demographic shift that we know as “moving day”, families and downsizers alike are looking northward in search of greener pastures. According to data from the ABS, Greater Sydney’s median dwelling values have receded 8.1% since the start of 2018 -motivating droves of residents to sell up their highly mortgaged homes for an opportunity in Queensland hubs such as Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

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Jack Guthrie

What the Growth of Western Sydney Teaches Us About Property

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Throughout 2018, Australia’s population hit a milestone of 25 million, years ahead of the expectations of the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Strong levels of overseas migration and a robust health system saw our nations population grow faster than the majority of the OECD. Since 2000, our countries population has added the equivalent to the whole population of Queensland  and this growth is still apparent today, with the ABS estimating Australia adds a new residents every 83 seconds.

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Jack Guthrie

Rental Yields Increasing from Historic Lows

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Australia’s national market is currently in a stage of correction. After moving through a period of strong and sustained growth, the housing market is experiencing a natural phase of stagnation. Primarily driven by the downturn in the Sydney housing market, Australia’s property prices are seeing subdued performance as it begins a process of recalibration. While this may urge some property investors to run for the hills, it is times like these that we at Blue Wealth understand there lies opportunity for our clients.

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Jack Guthrie

ANZ loosening investor policy

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Over the last 24 months, investor credit has been all but cut off through strict serviceability policies. Increasingly prudent lending criteria has forced major Australian lenders to follow suit, with the volume of investment lending constrained throughout our credit sector since early 2017. Interest only loans and lending on deposits lower than 10% in particular have been significantly restricted, with the regulator aiming to cool Australia’s rapidly moving housing markets.

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Dominic Cavagnino

Understanding Social Trends in Property – Part Three

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Part three of the McCrindle demographic study looks into the changing of the guard in terms of Australian generations. From 2019, there will be more Australians born since 1980, than before 1980. This study acknowledges the change with Generation Y (born 1980 to 1994), Generation Z (born 1995 to 2009) and Generation Alpha (born since 2010) as they become the dominate generations of our population.

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Jack Guthrie

Opal Tower Revealed

Jack Guthrie1 Comment on Opal Tower Revealed

The Opal Tower saga was the biggest talking point in the development industry throughout the first quarter of 2019. The displacement of residents over the Christmas period and a seemingly doomed building structure provided headlines that caused a stir throughout Australia’s residential scene, while builder Icon constructions were scrutinised for their involvement within the project. More recently news on the building has lulled in waiting for the final report findings.

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