Jack Guthrie

Where are the Markets – Part One

Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

As markets change from year to year it’s our job at Blue Wealth to ensure clients buy the right property, in the right market at the right time. Markets shift from boom to correction continually due to their cyclical nature. This week’s article will be the first instalment of our 2019 update for “Where are the markets?”, giving insight into this year’s property clock and where the markets are currently.

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Jack Guthrie

Queensland Benefitting from New South Wales Stagnation

Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

The relationship between Sydney and Brisbane’s property markets can best be described as countercyclical. Generally, when one of the markets are experiencing a period of correction, the other takes place as a major benefactor. This effect can be tracked throughout market cycles reaching back to the 1980’s, when property investment was relatively unheard of. Since 2012, Sydney has been the clear winner of the race with a well-documented period of prolonged market performance.

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Dominic Cavagnino

How has technology changed the way we think?

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

Let’s take a trip down memory lane, rewind to the year 2004. The world was a very different place. One thing today that we can liken to 2004 is the state of the Sydney property market. It had peaked and began its imminent correction, at that time, Sydney’s median house price was $515,000. Casting our minds back, here’s a few of today’s ‘essentials’ that surprisingly weren’t around 15 years ago.

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Jack Guthrie

The Education Premium

Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

February – it’s a time of rejoice for parents around the nation, as young Australian’s reluctantly return to school. Kids are settling back into their schooling life for 2019, whether it be private, public, selective or kindergarten. Considering this, we took the time in this week’s research article to assess how schools can impact property prices.

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