Gavin Chau

Did the pandemic and the war in Ukraine just trigger the end of globalisation?

Gavin ChauLeave a comment

As I sat down to write today’s blog on this afternoon’s interest rate announcement, it occurred to me that how we got here was a case of the butterfly effect. The most popular use of the term came from the film Jurassic Park where Jeff Goldblum’s character was trying to explain chaos theory by saying “if a butterfly flaps its wings in Peking, you get rain instead of sunshine”. Quite frankly, I thought this was a terrible explanation, but the meaning is that everything that we’re witnessing now is an accumulation of the effects of everything that has come before it. Exactly like in any film that explores the physics of time travel.

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Gavin Chau

A macro overview of the Perth housing market

Gavin ChauLeave a comment

Of all the capital cities Perth is probably the most interesting market from an analyst’s perspective. The population is only 2.2m yet Western Australia has an enormous land mass. In fact, the largest cattle station in Western Australia is bigger than 39 countries. While huge it’s mostly uninhabitable and Perth is one of the most isolated cities in the world – located 2,014km from the next closest city Adelaide.

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John Bekiaris

Will regional areas keep growing?

John BekiarisLeave a comment

Regional properties have traditionally had lower levels of capital growth and higher rental yields compared to capital cities. However, a resurgence in interest in regional property markets and the excellent growth they’ve enjoyed in recent years has sparked a debate about whether changes in the way we work and live as a result of the pandemic are going to be permanent. When comparing regional and metro properties, regional looks a lot more affordable at first glance. But how do the two compare as investments?

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