Dominic Cavagnino

Brisbane in 2025

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

The evolution of Brisbane is one which has been well-documented by us. It’s significant infrastructure pipeline makes it difficult to envisage just how much the city will change in the near future. Understanding the potential impact of these projects is what we believe will be one of the primary drivers for the Brisbane property market. Not only are these projects creating thousands of employment opportunities for Brisbane locals, but they will improve the overall connectivity and lifestyle aspect of Brisbane.

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Jack Guthrie

Melbourne’s Employment Growth Creating Opportunity for Property

Jack Guthrie1 Comment on Melbourne’s Employment Growth Creating Opportunity for Property

Melbourne is growing faster than any other city in Australia. The Victorian capital’s net population growth over the last 2 years has been the largest in Australian history, with 250,000 new residents since 2016 added to the city. People are being attracted to Melbourne for various reasons; a strong sporting scene; the appealing “foodie” culture and cheap housing. However, one major drawcard is pulling in more interstate and overseas residents than ever – Employment.

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Jack Guthrie

Where To For New South Wales Coastal Satellite Cities?

Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

“Satellite cities” are those urban activity centres that lay on the fringes of our capitals and operate through their own semi-independent economies. Melbourne has Geelong, Brisbane has Moreton Bay and Sydney has two in Newcastle and Wollongong. Often, the capital city property markets grow and the surrounding satellite markets leverage off this to create their own growth. As Sydney grew at unprecedented levels, we saw its neighbouring coastal cities in Newcastle and Wollongong replicate similarly strong performance. Demand for these cities is largely driven by their relative affordability and desirability of lifestyle.

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Jack Guthrie

Retirement Debt

Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

Buying a home, paying off the mortgage and living happily ever after. This is the starry-eyed dream that the majority of home owners have at the beginning of their mortgage. Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveal that unfortunately this idea is becoming less and less of a norm in our country. Since 2002, the number of 65-year-old Australians with mortgage debt has tripled. With the average retirement age in Australia hovering around 60 years, this is a worrying sign for future generations.

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