Dominic Cavagnino

How To Invest At the Right Time?

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Research suggests that the average human makes 35,000 decisions in a day. It’s fair to say that fear is a major contributor to the decisions which we make. In property terms, how fear impacts someone’s decision is based on the market’s sentiment. In the growth phase within a cycle, the ‘fear of missing out’ is a major driver for demand. In the slowing periods of a market, the ‘fear of overpaying’ takes over.

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Jack Guthrie

Why First Home Buyers Should Be Looking To Invest

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After a solid 7-year period of market growth, Sydney siders are now experiencing a stagnation in their property prices. For first home buyers, this is a welcome change. Since 2012 these buyers have seen property prices grow faster than their bank accounts, making the idea of finally saving up a 20% deposit a distant dream. Now it seems there is a glimmer of hope for those trying to get into the Sydney market, giving many a reason to act and jump into a property while they can. Now this seems like an exciting time for young buyers, here’s why it may not be the best course of action.

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Dominic Cavagnino

Take Action to Secure Your Future

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We often find ourselves discussing the financial gap between someone’s current financial position and what is required for them to retire comfortably. The calculations take into consideration current income producing assets and the ideal annual spending figure needed throughout retirement. Generally, this results in a figure which exceeds $1 million and for many is seemingly unsurmountable.

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Jack Guthrie

Hobart: A Lesson In Why We Invest Long Term

Jack Guthrie1 Comment on Hobart: A Lesson In Why We Invest Long Term

Property is a long-term investment, that’s the bottom line. You should be working out your numbers with a hold period of at least 10-15 years, if you are considering investing. A long-term hold gives your property the maximum opportunity to go through as many growth phases as possible, allowing you to leverage off the natural cycle of a property market.

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Dominic Cavagnino

Could It Really Be?

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On October 7th the ‘Sydney Morning Herald’ released an article preaching that ‘if you wanted to become an investor, you need to stop reading the media headlines’. An ironic headline from one of Australia’s leading media outlets who in the past few months have published the below articles:

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Dominic Cavagnino

Understanding Value

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As an investor your ability to distinguish between good value and cheap property can be instrumental in your property selection. Understanding value is vital in purchasing the right property which in-turn can help to maximise your exit strategy and potential capital appreciation. Our research model is in place to ensure our property approval process acknowledges high quality properties which justifiably have a premium price.

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Dominic Cavagnino

60 Minutes – Bricks and Slaughter: Sensationalism vs Reality

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Much talk has been made over the sensationalist 60 Minutes segment on the Australian property market, with the name very much hinting at what was to come, ‘Bricks and slaughter’. The report which dramatically told the story of all the risks and external factors which can affect the property market has been heavily scrutinized by many leading research firms in the country. It’s one-sided nature and extreme concepts are typical of fear mongering. We’d like to weigh in on the conversation and once again, bring some perspective to the situation.

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Jack Guthrie

Clearance Rates: Melbourne Holding Strong

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Melbourne and Sydney are Australia’s biggest cities by a long shot. Both hold roughly 5 million residents, they attract our highest rates of tourism and are internationally renowned. Unfortunately, because they are the most well-known, the mainstream media throws both property markets into the same bucket when assessing. Sensationalist reports roll the two together to make broad brush predictions. In reality, the Sydney and Melbourne property markets are vastly different, they have different levels of population growth, different economies and they contrast in geography. As a result, the markets are currently both at very different stages.

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