Dominic Cavagnino

Brisbane: Following in Sydney’s Footsteps

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

The trend of Brisbane’s counter cyclical relationship with Sydney continues, while one flourishes the other is subdued. The recent slowing of the Sydney market has seen prices fall up to 12% over the last few quarters. Ultimately, this slow-down is a result of the unsustainable rise in Sydney’s property prices. ‘The fear of missing out’ can be attributed to much of the excess growth with premium prices being paid as a result of fear and emotion.

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Jack Guthrie

Commercial vs Residential Property

Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

Keen investors contact us daily with queries about the property market. They are interested in where the markets are at, where they are going and where they should be investing. Along with these queries comes the question of whether to invest in residential or commercial property. We love both property types, but they have a lot of variables that set them apart as investment prospects.

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Dominic Cavagnino

Invest in research not perception

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

We’ve all got that uncle, cousin or friend who’s a self-proclaimed property expert. More often then not, they’re yet to purchase their first investment property as they patiently wait for the ‘right time.’ The right time generally refers to a highly unlikely apocalyptic property crash where they’d purchase a home on the water in Bondi for $300,000.

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Jack Guthrie

Melbourne to receive the biggest infrastructure investment in history?

Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

CommSec have recently released their quarterly “State of States” report that outlines the performance of each state on an economic basis. Surprisingly, Victoria has taken top spot for the strongest performing economy – knocking New South Wales off top spot for the first time in four years. This comes off the back of Victoria’s strong population growth and low unemployment levels, while the NSW housing market has softened since mid-2017

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Jack Guthrie

Buying vs Renting

Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

Today we look at the buying vs renting argument and how it’s changed with the growth of our property markets. Over the last 10 years, house prices have grown strongly, particularly in Sydney and Melbourne, leaving first home buyers with a significant challenge as they aim to save enough money to enter the market. They can either stay at home with Mum and Dad, late into their 20’s to save for a house deposit or look at an alternative way of creating wealth.

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