Jack Guthrie

What Makes the Right Property?

Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

A lot has changed in Australian property over the last 12 months. Foreign investment has been capped, depreciation benefits have been tweaked and Sydney’s juggernaut property market has finally headed into a stage of correction. The 12.2% reduction in Sydney’s median prices has helped to spark the age-old debate about where will be the next to boom. At Blue Wealth we allow research an analysis to guide our decisions, so the speculation doesn’t bother us. We take the big picture approach in finding the right property, in the right market at the right time.

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Jessica Carroll

How Property Management Benefits Investors

Jessica CarrollLeave a comment

Approaching the settlement of your property? This is the time for you to start thinking about property management. It’s usually something that most investors wouldn’t put much thought into. For many, their main focus is how much rent they will be achieving. Well, I want to highlight the importance of getting the right property manager, and what can happen if you don’t.

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Jack Guthrie

How education can bolster property prices

Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

There are a number of aspects that must be considered before buying into a market. After all every suburb is different and they hold aspects that can create or reduce property demand. A factor that is often overlooked is proximity to education facilities. Premier universities and schools attract demand from young home buyers and student demographics alike, as they seek to secure an opportunity to study at Australia’s most reputable tertiary institutions.

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Dominic Cavagnino

Why all the drama?

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The slowing of the Sydney property market has re-ignited the fears of a market crash. The words ‘property crash’ now ringing loud and clear as they hold a place in the title of every property related news report or article. It seems fitting that we provide some perspective and again, highlight that this is something we’ve seen many times before.

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Dominic Cavagnino

Gentrification by numbers

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

A typical term used when talking Melbourne is gentrification, in some cases labeled as ‘trendification’. Gentrification is the blend of old and new and can be found in many suburbs within capital city inner rings. It has proven to be a primary driver for the transformation of certain suburbs away from the industrial or social housing background into thriving hubs of activity and lifestyle.

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Jack Guthrie

The balance of rental yield and potential capital growth

Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

First time and experienced property investors alike, often misjudge the significance of rental yields. They look for a market that they perceive will create strong capital growth and jump to conclusions about a property’s potential, overlooking its week to week costs. It is decisions like this that lead to ineffective investments and often cause buyers to offload their property before it can prove fruitful.

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