Jack Guthrie

Where is the world’s most liveable suburb?

Jack Guthrie1 Comment on Where is the world’s most liveable suburb?

When it comes to attractive cities, Melbourne possesses undeniable charm. A thriving economy, an exciting sporting scene and vibrant communal culture are just some of the factors that attract thousands of new residents to the Victorian capital every year. It’s no wonder that the city has topped The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) global liveability index for the last 7 years running. The EIU is a research and analysis division and a world leader in global business intelligence. Their yearly index ranks 140 of the top global city’s around the world, measuring them in accordance to their stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure.

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Dominic Cavagnino

The balance of supply and demand in Brisbane

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The Brisbane market has always been a long-term proposition. Over the last few years, Brisbane’s subdued performance has been due to the low interest rate environment resulting in an increase in property supply. Supply peaks are a normal part of a market cycle and history suggests that they occur every 7- 8 years. What often follows is a period of market recalibration. In this instance, the recalibration has been caused by rising construction costs, restrictions on development funding and limitations on foreign investment.

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Jack Guthrie

Why you shouldn’t trust Google ‘research’

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When you type ‘property research’ into google you are hit with almost 1.4 trillion results and as you can probably guess, not all of this information comes from reliable sources. Upon further investigation, you will notice many of the sources are in conflict. This is something we call the noise, an endless amount of market insights often reliant on sentiment and copy paste reporting.

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Dominic Cavagnino

Which is better: one or two-bedroom apartment?

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We invest in property to create wealth. History suggests that property investment has been the most consistent wealth creation tool out of all the asset types. Buying the right property can accelerate the path in which you take to create wealth. A common misconception held by someone unfamiliar with property is that the larger the asset, the stronger it will perform. As an example, a house is superior to an apartment and/or a two-bedroom apartment is superior to a one-bedroom apartment.

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Dominic Cavagnino

What causes a delay in project completion?

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When purchasing a property off-the-plan, you’re advised of an expected completion date. Of course, there’s always the possibility that this date can shift either forwards and backwards. From a developer’s perspective providing an anticipated completion date is extremely difficult, as there are a variety of moving parts which come into consideration throughout the development process. In this insight, we’ll break down the process and focus on aspects which can impact you as an investor.

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Dominic Cavagnino

What is the science behind valuations?

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The science of valuations, well, it’s more of an oxymoron than a question but it remains a question that even I’d like help in answering. To understand the process better we held an education session for Team Blue Wealth run by a highly experienced valuer with over 20 years’ experience and significant industry involvement. Much of the below information has been taken from his presentation which gave us an insight into the process of valuations.

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Jack Guthrie

Buying in Sydney may NOT help the kids

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Sydney property is internationally acclaimed as a blue-chip asset. Demand has buoyed the market to record highs, now reportedly being ‘the second least affordable market in the world’. Despite this, CoreLogic has shown that Sydney house prices dropped by -0.9% over the first quarter of 2018, and a -2.2% drop in the preceding one. This signalling the start of a Sydney market stagnation. However, many are still willing to invest substantial deposits to buy in Sydney, despite the market clearly passing its peak.

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Dominic Cavagnino

How far would you go?

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One of the primary reasons for the slow-down in Sydney’s property market is the strain on affordability. It seems to have become a perpetual debate, re-occurring at the peak of every cycle. The concerns around affordability are in full voice and then fade away through periods of correction and stagnation.

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Dominic Cavagnino

Sydney’s stagnation…another 8 years?

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As you’ve heard many times, property markets are cyclical. Typically, a period of 15 years will see a market complete a cycle, of course this can vary as a market is based on many moving parts. In this insight, we’ll look at the different parts of a market cycle previous post-boom periods in Sydney.

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Jack Guthrie

Place vs Space…a shift in the way we live.

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Here is a bit of property economics 101, the closer you get to major urban centres the higher a property asking prices get. Accommodation closer to infrastructure, employment and education regularly attract higher demand from buyers and renters, consequentially achieving higher prices. This is a given, everyone knows living in more desirable areas will cost more, often for inferior properties too. It gets to a point where the cost of living is so expensive that buyers will sacrifice the place for space.

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