Dominic Cavagnino

Investing in the Right Property – Part 2

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

Essentially, the factors discussed in part one will maximise your exit strategy and impact your capital appreciation. Broadly speaking, if a property ticks the boxes of quality, design, amenity and transport, naturally it will inherit strong rental demand. The remaining two factors determine your ability to hold on to the asset and the purchase costs of your property.

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Dominic Cavagnino

Investing in the Right Property – Part 1

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

Understanding what the right property means isn’t as straightforward as going for the best dwelling in the suburb to get maximum appeal, or the worst dwelling in the suburb to get the best bargain. The selection of a specific property involves a more intricate process of determining a deeper sense of the underlying demand, now and in the future. In finding the right market, larger regional dynamics were considered. In finding the right property, the dwelling itself will be considered as well as its immediate surrounds. The micro-factors of our research model address the six key components to be considered when assessing a property. This is our way of determining the right property within a market.

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Dr Tony Hayek

Brand new vs second hand

Dr Tony HayekLeave a comment

The age of a property is one of the most overlooked factors when investors make their purchases, although the impact this has on a long-term strategy is huge. Properties can be purchased at many stages of their lifecycle; the strategies for each of these life stages vary considerably and can yield different results from day one.

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Jack Guthrie

Australian property: a long term strategy

Jack Guthrie1 Comment on Australian property: a long term strategy

Among investors there seems to be a preconception that Sydney is consistently Australia’s fastest growing property market. In more recent times, this would be correct. Over the past five years Sydney has performed the strongest with dwelling values growing 64.4%. Over the long term, between 2003 and 2018, Melbourne comes up on top – growing a mammoth 335% (Sydney was second, growing at 239%). Although these results speak for themselves, a large portion of Australia’s investors are reluctant to look outside of the Sydney market.

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Frank Paul

The Importance and Value of Suburb Selection

Frank PaulLeave a comment

There are three primary points of research that feed into an investment property decision. The selection of your primary market (or city), the selection of your suburb and then the selection of your entry point into that suburb (the actual investment). Of these three layers of consideration, suburb selection is the most important decision and the one that has the most impact on good or poor long-term outcomes.

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Dominic Cavagnino

Adelaide in 2018: Overview and Outlook

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Although Sydney and Melbourne are geographically the closest cities to Adelaide, their property market performance remains far apart. With historically low interest rates driving the former to experience strong year-on-year growth, these rates have failed to stimulate the Adelaide economy. In the past Adelaide has struggled with an above national average unemployment rate and a lack of infrastructure spending.

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Jack Guthrie

Brisbane’s infrastructure: bridging the way to demand

Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

Queensland’s economic landscape is one that is growing in popularity and strength. Brisbane, being the largest economic hub in the north, can be used as an indicator of our sunshine state’s performance. Recently, Brisbane’s metropolitan economy has experienced a rise in employment, shifts towards technology-based industries and population levels outpacing previous forecasts.

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Dominic Cavagnino

Sydney Property Market: Insights and Outlook

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

Between 2012 and 2017 the Sydney market experienced growth of 76%. The harbour city is building a reputation for its extended periods of subdued performance followed by exponential growth, the most recent peak being likened to what occurred in previous cycles in 1990 and 2004. Over the last five years median prices surpassed $1 million, a clear indication that the affordability ceiling in Sydney is fast approaching.

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Dominic Cavagnino

Understanding Brisbane in 2018

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

History tells us that Brisbane tends to lag Sydney in terms of property price growth, and in past cycles we have seen strong growth in Sydney spur an uplift in prices in Brisbane. These periods have also coincided with an increase in interstate migration. Sydney is currently 75% more expensive than Brisbane, a fifteen-year high that indicates we are likely to see Brisbane begin to close the gap between the two cities.

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