Dominic Cavagnino

Melbourne: A growth story

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

Melbourne is Australia’s second largest and fastest growing capital city, with projections indicating that the population of Melbourne is likely to overtake Sydney by 2051. This strong population growth and relative affordability were major drivers for growth in Melbourne’s housing market between 2011 and 2017.

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Jack Guthrie

Australia: not what we expected

Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

Australia is a young country, federated a mere 117 years ago. People have actually outlived our nation. We may lack age, but with an estimated resident population of 24,590,400 our society is exceeding expectations. We hit a population of twenty-four million seventeen years ahead of Australian Bureau of Statistics forecasts, outperforming long run trend expectations that we would reach current numbers at most by 2031.

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Frank Paul

Crisscrossing Demand and Supply: The Myth of a Balanced Market

Frank PaulLeave a comment

Australia’s big three cities are some of the fastest growing major cities in the developed world. They are immigrant cities that are constantly contending with very complex supply and demand dynamics, meaning that the system is never perfectly balanced as it is constantly crisscrossing between over- and under-supply. These are the normal market dynamics of a growing city.

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Dominic Cavagnino

How population growth impacts property price growth

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I can’t count the number of times I’ve been asked, ‘What makes a property market grow?’ Unfortunately, the answer isn’t so simple as there are numerous contributing variables. Certain markets rely on specific drivers to buoy or grow property prices. There is, however, one underlying answer: simply put, property price growth is a function of supply and demand. When the pendulum swings in favour of demand we tend to see growth in property prices. Alternatively, when we see markets experience excess supply, growth typically remains subdued.

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Jack Guthrie

How shrinking household sizes affect future demand

Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

When purchasing an investment property, a crucial part of asset selection should be based around the future demand of tenants and buyers. After all, the world around us is continually changing and anyone who has lived in Australia for the last thirty years can tell you how much. Therefore, as an investor you should be assessing what is likely to induce the highest demand when it comes time to rent or sell.

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Dominic Cavagnino

Suburb selection: the most important part of a property strategy

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

When it comes to investing in property, there are many questions that need answering. Undoubtedly the most important one is ‘Where should I invest?’ That is, where should you invest a large sum of money that has the potential to make a significant impact on your financial position. We often speak about investing where the opportunities are, which could mean searching well outside the area you live in. The reality is that for the average Australian their understanding of the property market doesn’t go much further than the suburb they live in.

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Dominic Cavagnino

Where to for Sydney in 2018?

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

For some time now, the Sydney property market has outperformed the nation. However, all good things come to an end. Property markets are cyclical and typically a market cycle spans over a ten- to fifteen-year period. Throughout that time frame a market experiences periods of opportunity, value, growth and correction.

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