Luke Graham

The people versus Aussie real estate: an affordability story

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Historically, whenever the Sydney property market goes a bit crazy the rest of the country gets tarred with the same brush. There’s no doubt Sydney property is expensive, but it’s unlikely this will change any time soon unless we have a communist resurgence that dominates the west and ends capitalism as we know it. Here are a few reasons why we are delirious about changing housing affordability in Australia and mostly Sydney.

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Luke Graham

A case study in holding long term: Parramatta

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Short-termism is an interesting phenomenon that has strengthened in severity in many aspects of human behaviour since the turn of the millennium. Even the highest echelon of multinational business is regularly criticised for their short-term mindsets, known as ‘corporate short-termism’, and for the negative influence this has on both the economy and society in general such as the global financial crisis. The challenge of encouraging property investors to continue holding their assets has also become more complex. This tends to happen for two reasons:

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Luke Graham

Understanding Perth: is there a future beyond mining?

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

The Blue Wealth Research Team embarked on a reconnaissance to Perth last week to determine whether there is more to the Perth economy than just mining. It doesn’t take too much strain to recall the slow-down in resources that caused problems of varying magnitude throughout the Australian economy. Now that we are on the other side of the boom with mixed opinions on the future of mining in Australia, how do things look for Perth?

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Luke Graham

Are Apartments Invest-able?

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

When I was in Vienna earlier this year I had the opportunity to visit Sigmund Freud’s apartment which is now a namesake museum. The building ‘Bergasse 19’ was constructed in 1891 and was where Freud and his family lived for forty-seven years. It was also where he practised psychoanalysis research and consultation until the Nazi annexation of Austria led to his eviction. Apartments appeared in cities well before the nineteenth century and during the reign of the Roman Empire, houses in metropolitan areas were reserved solely for the wealthy. In Australia, however, many of us are still bemused by the concept of ‘apartments’ and their place in our lives and investment portfolios.

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Luke Graham


Luke GrahamLeave a comment

The 1992 film Romper Stomper paints a very insightful picture of a cultural melting pot suburb in inner Melbourne named Footscray. The film itself follows the working-class tensions between neo Nazis and local minorities of Vietnamese heritage. Footscray’s reputation didn’t improve much into the new millennium, carrying with it a reputation of violence, crime and squalor.

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Jack Guthrie


Jack GuthrieLeave a comment

Australia’s economic landscape is one that is continually changing as we shift further into the twenty-first century. Previously our economic roots were manufacturing and resources but recently there has been an emergence in the services sectors, with the financial centres dominating Australia’s gross domestic product. The continuing transformation of our economy obviously have flow on effects to the performance of our property markets.

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