Shift Your Perspective

Ali PlattLeave a comment

Our Property Showcase has long been the perfect way to experience all the best things about Blue Wealth: we release the very best of our recommended properties and give you exclusive pre-market access, we update you on the Australian property market, we even give away goodies at the end of the night – you’re probably kicking yourself if you missed our latest showcase last week!

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Daniel Joseph

Innovate Or Die

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

I was in a meeting last week when a colleague made the dramatic proclamation: ‘you either innovate or die’. As much as I joked about how seemingly extreme the sentiment was, the more I thought about it, the more I came to realise the validity of the statement.

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Jessica Carroll

Every Penny Counts

Jessica CarrollLeave a comment

At Blue Wealth, we’re all about minimising your risks and seeking the best value opportunities for you. One of our points of difference is the incentives we negotiate for our clients, the most common being a rental guarantee. I’m often asked how a rental guarantee works, so I thought I’d break it down for you. I will also show you how selecting the right property can increase your rent.

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Daniel Joseph

Prediction Precision

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

‘Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.’ – Niels Bohr.

Although that crystal ball can be a bit foggy at times, it doesn’t mean we can’t make educated judgements on the likelihood of future outcomes. It does, however, highlight the folly of making predictions with the certitude found in many property market reports today.

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Daniel Joseph

Houses or Apartments?

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

Houses or Apartments? It’s like having to pick a favourite child. Lucky for me, both kids are over-achievers. The affinity of some toward housing is understandable: most Australians grew up in a house, creating a natural sense of familiarity and comfort. My investment decisions, however, are based on facts, not tradition or comfort – but that’s just me.

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Daniel Joseph

The Numbers On Affordability

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

Housing affordability. If only you hadn’t had that smashed avo, quinoa and organic coke, you’d be living in a waterfront in Rose Bay. At least a heap of the commentary makes it seem that way. The problem with statements like these is that they often dominate affordability discourse at the expense of getting to the facts and providing real solutions.

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Jessica Carroll

Why Choose Property?

Jessica CarrollLeave a comment

As median house prices soar across the country, young Aussies are watching the ‘Aussie Dream’ slip away (might have something to do with all the smashed ‘avos’ you’re eating). Sound familiar? You’ve probably heard similar comments from every media outlet in the country so we’ll provide our thoughts on this in next week’s blog. Today I want to talk to you about what makes property such a great asset class and how you can use your resources to their best potential.

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