Daniel Joseph

Get Real About Growth

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

We spend a lot of our time assessing demographic and economic shifts and how they’ll likely impact house prices in the future. The birth of my son nine weeks ago has made it a whole lot more real. When I was his age in 1986, the average house price in Sydney was $98,000. Sydney’s average price in 2017 is around $1 million. That equates to a growth rate of 8% per annum between 1986 and 2017.

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Daniel Joseph

That Style Is So Five Years Ago

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

‘That *insert inner-city gentrifying suburb name here* is like Redfern five years ago.’ It’s a comment I frequently make to describe the transformation currently occurring in Melbourne’s inner north and west. Analysis we conducted this week, however, indicates a more widespread application of the analogy.

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Facts First

Ali PlattLeave a comment

If you’re a regular reader of our Research Blog, or you’ve ever attended one of our fantastic events (there’s plenty coming up! Find them here), you would have heard us talk about ignoring the ‘noise’ and not letting the media dictate your decisions when it comes to buying and holding investment property.

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Daniel Joseph

And The Winner Is…

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

Our good friends at CoreLogic released a brief report yesterday on the best and worst performing local government areas in Australia over the past two decades. Of the 25 best performing, 17 were in Victoria. At an average of 10% per annum, price growth in these regions was close to twice the combined capital city figure. Click here for a link to the report.

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