Dominic Cavagnino

Jingle your property bells

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

As we approach Christmas, I thought I’d reflect on the year that’s been. There’s little doubt that we’ve seen a shift in the market in 2016, driven mainly by subdued sentiment and sensationalist journalism. This has exposed great opportunities, particularly for first time investors including several Blue Wealth staff. One of the real shifts has been in a developer’s ability to bring a project to market. Here’s why:

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Dominic Cavagnino

Safe As Houses

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

As the end of the year approaches, I’d like to reflect on an important decision the research team made at the beginning of 2016. Many of you reading this would be aware that we are now recommending new house and land opportunities in the growth corridors of both Brisbane and Melbourne. In mid-2014, a number of once rural regions were opened to development. With some of the relevant infrastructure now in place, these regions became a significant research focus.

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Dominic Cavagnino

You Choose: Avocados or Property?

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

In light of Bernard Salt’s less than favourable article on Gen Y and their love for an avocado smash, it feels fitting that I weigh in on the debate, in the defence of Generation Y. As house prices soar, housing affordability is becoming a hot topic and it’s inspired my investigation into how affordability has changed and how it differs between our capital cities.

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Dominic Cavagnino

Italian Stallion

Dominic CavagninoLeave a comment

I’m pretty much a stereotypical Italian. Growing up with my mum, my dad Giuseppe and my two sisters, meant I was just as exposed to property as I was to pizza and pasta. The idea is, you start saving from birth to buy your first property. Often, I found myself not knowing what I was saving for and just hoping that I’d be told where to buy a home when the time came.

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Daniel Joseph

Shift Your Thinking

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

Survival of the fittest: it’s those who can adapt to a changing environment who survive. The same is true of property investment. You might think that’s a bit dramatic but our ability to adapt to a changing property market will not only ensure our investment journey is as smooth as possible, it’ll also help us live above the constant media noise that might otherwise lead us to doubt our investment decision.

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