Daniel Joseph

I Demand Less Supply

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

If I asked a random group of 10 investors what they see as the foremost risk of property investment at this point of the cycle, I’d wager many would say ‘supply and demand.’ As always, perspective is key, and education the means of attaining that perspective. I’ll summon all my first year finance knowledge to give you a breakdown of how the supply and demand model works:

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Daniel Joseph

A Change For The Better

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

It shouldn’t surprise you that the investment landscape has changed somewhat over the last few months: APRA’s strengthening of a bank’s capital requirements spurred lenders to increase rates on investment loans and in some cases, reduce leverage ratios. The SMSF industry too is amid change, with maximum loan to valuation ratios declining and some lenders exiting the space entirely.

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Daniel Joseph


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It’s a big day for finance nerds around the country; not only is it budget day, we’re also likely to see a reduction in the cash rate when the board meets at 2 PM. I’ve chosen to release this blog before the announcement largely because I’d like to proclaim myself a modern day Nostradamus if the prediction falls true.

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Daniel Joseph

Calm Your Farm

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

For the past five years, property investors, including many of you reading this now, have enjoyed almost utopian conditions such as low rates, limited competition for properties and increasing yields. Of these, yields have received the most media attention of late.

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Daniel Joseph

Melbourne: A Tale Of Two Cities

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

See what I did there? Right now I’m guessing you’re thinking, ‘What does a famous Charles Dickens novel have to do with a property research blog?’ Allow me to explain. ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,’ Charles Dickens writes in the opening lines of A Tale of Two Cities as he paints a picture of life in England and France. An anecdote that applies, generally speaking, to the recent performance of Melbourne’s property market.

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Daniel Joseph

The Price of Procrastination

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

Hindsight is 20/20. For investors, it can also be very costly. I just listened to a Ted Talk by Tim Urban of ‘Wait But Why’ fame in which he provides an insightful and comical exposé into the mind of, as he termed it, a ‘master procrastinator’.

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Daniel Joseph

The Short Term Hold Fallacy

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

If there’s one thing I can say with certainty about property investment it’s that it must be viewed as a long term hold strategy. No, I don’t mean the Gen Y version of long term that invariably is no longer than the length of a high school relationship, I’m talking ten years at the bare minimum.

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Daniel Joseph

Affordability: The Naked Truth

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

My professional career has been characterised by a four year Sydney property market growth phase, a period that, generally speaking, now appears to be nearing its end. I for one am excited by the prospects a change in market conditions brings! The situation we now confront is one of an unsustainable affordability gap between our capital cities. The figure below tracks the change in the proportion of income an average household spends on its mortgage payments over the last twenty years.

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