Daniel Joseph

Catch Me If You Can

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

It’s funny where you can find inspiration. Just last week I was driving through Melbourne’s northern suburbs inspecting a potential project when I came across a sign for a new house and land estate with advertised prices starting at $450,000. I was 30 kilometres from the CBD-that’s about the distance between Parramatta and the city-and in a suburb where the median price was half that of a Sydney comparable! I felt as though I had uncovered a case of potential arbitrage that’d make my finance professor proud.
We’ve long recognised the value proposition that Melbourne offers, and this was but another reminder of the potential of the city. Here I was in the most liveable city in the world (for the past six years, mind you), with a population growing at a faster rate than its northern neighbour and in a state with the highest rate of productivity growth. It was difficult to understand why such a price disparity existed; so I thought I’d crunch some numbers. The figure below tracks the difference in price of an average house in Sydney and Melbourne over the past thirty years.

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Daniel Joseph

I’ve Been To Cities

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

I’ve been everywhere, man, I’ve been everywhere. Well, not quite, but I’m getting there! A few weeks back we started the first in a series of blog posts on capital city property markets. Unfortunately, we had to take a slight detour the past two weeks to address 1) negative gearing  and 2) the predictions of an ‘economist’ on a top rating ‘news’ program (actually pains me to say both economist and news in this context). Regardless, this week we return to the series. I’ll hold for applause.

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Daniel Joseph

Take Shelter, The Housing Apocalypse Is Nigh…

Daniel Joseph2 Comments on Take Shelter, The Housing Apocalypse Is Nigh…

I’ve observed during my time assessing the Australian property market that sensationalism sells. That was never truer than when I wasted 15 minutes of my life watching 60 Minutes on Sunday. I’m sure that the gentleman being interviewed (Jonathan Tepper) must’ve recently seen ‘The Big Short’ (four out of five stars, if you haven’t seen it, you should) and envisaged himself being played by Clooney, Pitt, Bale or DiCaprio in an Australian version of the film.

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Daniel Joseph

The Decision Tree of Life

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

Do something today that your future self will thank you for – anonymous. Life is governed by the choices we make, and, unfortunately, the benefit of hindsight provides little comfort for opportunities missed by inaction or incorrect action. Acting as the proverbial ostrich and putting your head in the sand may result in you leaving potential investments by the way side, only to be rediscovered once hindsight rears its head!

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Daniel Joseph

Perspective, Please

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

After an extended Christmas break, I returned to what appeared to be a different market: pessimism dominated the news, property markets were tipped to slow, the price of oil had dropped to below $30 a barrel, and the Chinese equity market was deliberately halted twice in an attempt to stop a free fall.

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