Daniel Joseph

Investor Funding

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Investor lending is as close to a property market crystal ball as you’ll get. For all of you who have been to an Australian property update, you’ll know that the philosophy of the right property in the right market at the right time is a guiding force. In today’s edition of the blog, I’ll take you through one of the components we assess to determine the right time for a property market.

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Daniel Joseph

Research > Media

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For the first time since the start of the growth phase of Sydney’s property cycle there’s been a reduction (albeit small) in month on month prices. Now, the same is true for Melbourne but, unlike Sydney, broad statements about Melbourne’s price trajectory can’t be made because of the extent to which that market is segmented.

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Daniel Joseph

Shift Your Thinking

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Survival of the fittest: it’s those who can adapt to a changing environment who survive. The same is true of property investment. You might think that’s a bit dramatic but our ability to adapt to a changing property market will not only ensure our investment journey is as smooth as possible, it’ll also help us live above the constant media noise that might otherwise lead us to doubt our investment decision.

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Daniel Joseph

What Bubble?

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Seventy per cent of Australians think the property market is either in, or entering, a property bubble, according to a recent survey by the NSW division of the Australian Property Institute. It’s easy to feel somewhat daunted when you read headlines like ‘Will there be an Australian property crash?’ (Yahoo7news), especially when you don’t view the world through the lenses of research and education.

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Daniel Joseph

How to Select the Right Property

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A number of clients have recently asked me if they should invest in a one or a two bedroom apartment. My answer remains that it depends on where you invest. Generally speaking, as you depart from a city centre household sizes and the demand for larger accommodation increases. As an example, the inner ring of our capital cities are dominated by single person and couple without children households. As such, one would expect a high proportion of demand for smaller single room dwellings.

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Daniel Joseph

The Sun Sets

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In a departure from an expose of the best supermarket deals or running after a faceless man with a black bar across his face, A Current Affair yesterday broadcast a story on the recent spate of developers exercising their right to rescind a contract if the sunset date is reached.

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Daniel Joseph

Size Matters – A Case Study

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

Get your head out of the gutter! We’d all like more of a good thing and the same is true when we’re investing in property. What we’ve seen over the last couple of decades is a rather dramatic decline in dwelling sizes, be it house and land in our outer suburbs or apartments in the inner city. This has been largely driven by affordability constraints in our capital cities with developers reducing sizes rather than increasing costs.

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