Gavin Chau

Green shoots of economic recovery?

Gavin ChauLeave a comment

After two years of uncertainty and households battening down the hatches, 2022 offers some hope of a recovery. The asset markets have been watching interest rates closely reacting to any news or rumour about the beginning of the end of decades of cheap money. While this may be true, the historic first step down the QE path by the RBA almost certainly signifies a turning point in Australian monetary policy.

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Gavin Chau

Rising inflation and the end of quantitative easing – what does this mean for property prices in 2022?

Gavin ChauLeave a comment

Undoubtedly the single biggest driver for property prices over the course of 2020 and 2021 was the $350 billion quantitative easing program (QE). This had the effect of injecting $4 billion per week into the economy, pushing the interest rates down and driving asset prices upwards sharply despite tough economic conditions for many ordinary people.

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Gavin Chau

2021 a year in review

Gavin ChauLeave a comment

Well, it’s the last blog of the year for Blue Wealth before we head off on our holiday break. I always have mixed feelings about Christmas and the New Year – for most of us the end of another year is a reminder that we just went around the sun again and of the inexorable passage of time. It also gives us a chance to reflect on what happened during the year. And what a year it’s been. We’re now living through the most extreme government intervention in financial markets in history.

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