Daniel Joseph

Q & A

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

Great relationships are built on communication and it’s time we took our relationship to the next level.   In the spirit of this new era, I’ll be hosting a pop quiz. Your role? Use the comment tool to answer the questions below and I’ll post the correct answers later in the week.

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Daniel Joseph

Foreign Investment

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

It is the Government’s policy that foreign investment in Residential Real Estate should increase Australia’s housing stock. That is, the policy seeks to channel foreign investment in the housing sector into activity that directly increases the supply of new housing (such as new developments of house and land, home units and townhouses) and brings benefits to the local building industry and its suppliers.

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Daniel Joseph

Know the Cycle

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

More often than not, Australian investors don’t use the property cycle to their advantage; instead, they invest in high demand markets, opting to be one of the many sheep instead of the shepherd. Why? It takes more courage and foresight to be a shepherd (early adopter, for all you marketing types) than it does to be a sheep (the laggard of the group).

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Daniel Joseph

Price vs Value

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

In the left corner we have price, the crowd favourite. With his coach’s supply and demand by his side, he’s ready to go. In the right corner we have value, the enigma, the myth. Backed by his team ‘research’ and ‘analysis’, he looks ready to take the title. Who will you back?

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