Daniel Joseph

Know the Game

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

The Origin decider is just over 24 hours away and league statisticians are busy compiling data on the players in anticipation of the big game. The national property market, too, contains many players, and understanding the position in which they play is key to investment success.

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Daniel Joseph

Gen Ynvest

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

The average age of an Australian property investor is 34 years. The four youngest Blue Wealth employees, with an average age of 23.5 years, all own property. High five Blue Wealth Gen Y property moguls; you’ve beaten the Australian average by more than ten years!

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Daniel Joseph

Spotlight on Supply

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

The discussion of supply in Brisbane is much like Bohemian Rhapsody: many know the words, but few know what they mean. Those in the media sing the same tune. Headlines like ‘Better in the bank than on Brisbane inner-city apartments’ are typical of cash for comment ‘experts’ whose research repertoire includes such gems as Parramatta being one of ‘the worst places to buy a home’! Fair comment if written now given the suburb’s recent astronomical progression up the growth curve and its exit from the opportunity phase of the growth cycle, but this was penned in 2008!

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Daniel Joseph

Apartments vs Houses

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

Value is governed by demand, and demand for accommodation is changing. The old adage that it’s the land component of property that has value, meaning you should buy a house no longer applies. To a large degree, gen y is forgoing the quarter acre block (did I say quarter acre? The average new plot size is less than 400 square metres) in suburbia for inner city high amenity living, and that’s more often than not apartment living.

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