Daniel Joseph

Stats, Stats Baby

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

Alright stop, collaborate and listen Blue Wealth is back with a stats depiction! I know what you’re all thinking; I should’ve been a rap star. Fortunately for you I chose the glitz of research analysis and not the bling of rap stardom.

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Daniel Joseph

Where are the Markets – Perth?

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

Perth. There’s much to love about our western most capital city; great beaches, diversifying economy and suburbs swept in a gentrification wave. Strong international migration is also a defining aspect of the city. Between the 2001 and 2011 censuses, the number of migrants living in Perth grew 51 per cent, higher than the growth seen in either Sydney (24 per cent) or Melbourne (31 per cent) during the same period. The mother land accounted for the highest rate of immigration; contributing to the English born accounting for around one in every eight of the population of Perth, or 190,000 residents! That’s equivalent to a St Helens right smack bang in the middle of Perth.

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Luke Graham

Investing Locally

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Property is such a unique asset class and so heavily engrained in the Australian psyche it can be difficult to treat as an investment as we would with shares, gold, bonds or currency. I’d suggest 99 out of 100 investors would not be interested in living adjacent to the corporate headquarters of the company they have shares in or the mine from which came their gold, yet most of us are more comfortable investing in a property close by so we can feel in control.

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Daniel Joseph

Where are the Markets – Hobart?

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

The city of Hobart is Australia’s second oldest, founded in 1804 as a penal colony. Unfortunately the property market has been somewhat stagnant since that point. Exaggeration, of course, but it does feel like centuries since the market moved significantly above inflation; in fact, Hobart has recorded the lowest rate of capital gain since the onset of the GFC. This has made Hobart homes the most affordable of any capital city.

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Daniel Joseph

Australia Evolves

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

This Saturday marks the centenary of the Anzac landing at Gallipoli. A defining moment for our nation, the campaign almost led to the downfall of the great Winston Churchill. Gallipoli was but one of the theatres in which Australians engaged; over the course of the war, 65,000 Australian service men lost their lives. Lest we forget.

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Daniel Joseph

Time In

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

On multiple occasions this past week I’ve had discussions with clients focused on a short-term property investment strategy. Reflecting on those conversations, I can’t help but draw comparisons to the speculative behaviour that to a large degree contributed to the financial crisis of 2008, which leads me to the focus of this article: the importance of ‘time in’ in reaping the benefits of market timing. The law of averages is predicated on the philosophy of a long-term strategy. We hear things like ‘the property market grows 6 per cent per annum on average’ and subconsciously make the assumption that property grows that amount every year.

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