Daniel Joseph

Where are the Markets – Adelaide?

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

In the interest of spontaneity, we continue our ‘Where are the Markets?’ series with Adelaide, bypassing Canberra and Melbourne on the journey south. The leap to Adelaide is in part spurred by increased enquiries regarding the city, having recently been repositioned further along the correction phase of the property clock (closer to opportunity).

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Daniel Joseph

Volatility Exposed

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

For many investors, the promise of getting strong returns from investment property in small mining towns is too enticing to pass up. Entry level price point, strong growth potential and heavy spruiking by some property investment firms sounds like the perfect investment, right? (And a tad ‘wolf of Wall Street if you ask me!).

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Luke Graham

The Perspective for 2015

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

The last seven years have been interesting, with the global financial crisis changing how property markets operate. In fact, opening a property magazine from February 2008 is a curious endeavour. On the back page is an ad: Affordable Queensland Property, Prosperity Ahead. The subject regional area had six years of massive price growth prior to this ad and has actually gone backward since.

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