Luke Graham

Pursuit of the Tax Offset

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Given that Team Research (although exceptionally talented researchers) are not tax agents, this article must be taken as general opinion rather than advice. In light of this, if you believe that the content of this research article is relevant to your personal situation, you should combine the property knowledge of Blue Wealth Property with the tax advice available from your tax professional.

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Luke Graham

What is Value?

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

‘The theory of valuation has evolved over many centuries and incorporates not only the dynamics of the market in which it operates but also the economic, cultural and social aspects of the society that utilises it. Consequently it can be regarded as still constantly evolving; never fully set in concrete.’

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Luke Graham

Going Commercial: Commercial Versus Residential Property

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Residential is Australia’s favourite property asset class, and the biggest characteristic of this is perhaps that most people have a better understanding of it due to their own experiences renting, owning or building their own homes. Demand would always exist in some form because we know from our beloved humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow that a basic need of the human condition is shelter.  

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Luke Graham

First Home Buyer: Investor’s Perspective

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Today, particularly when considering Blue Wealth’s ‘Buying versus Renting’ findings, more and more people are opting to purchase investment properties before buying their own home. For those in capital cities (particularly Sydney and Perth), pricing dictates to them that investing prior to buying in their desired suburb is typically essential in their wealth creation strategy.

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