Luke Graham

Super: An Untapped Resource

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

The Australian Taxation Office estimates that there is $18.1 billion in ‘lost superannuation’ across the country. This is a clear illustration of Australia’s complacency and typical disregard toward what for many will be either their largest (or second largest – to their principal place of residence) lifetime investment.

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Luke Graham

A Super Opportunity

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Will I ever retire? This is the question on the minds of young Australia’s workforce, particularly those that are fluorescent-clad (previously known as blue-collar). One would not be hard pressed to find a 25-year-old fitter machinist daunted by the reality of working hard labour well into their 70s in order to maintain the delicate balance between contributors and recipients, which is set to be shaken to the limits as Australia ages.  

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Daniel Joseph

Vacancy Rates

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

In last week’s newsletter we discussed the economic drivers that have led to the much reported softening yields that have occurred Australia wide. Today, we look at an important facet of the property investment market closely aligned to rental yields: vacancy rates.

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Luke Graham

Ghost Towns

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

1,300 kilometres shy of the North Pole stands a former-Soviet township of Pyramiden. Once a thriving town coined as ‘a Soviet paradise’, it was deserted in 1998 when the last tonne of coal was extracted from the soil. It is now maintained as a means for travellers to see ‘a town frozen in time’. An equally barren landscape is familiar to rural townships in Australia which apprehensively bear the same fate. Kiandra, NSW; Linda, TAS; and Malcolm, WA contribute to a long list of Australian towns deserted after the single industry that they depended on fatefully declined.

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