Luke Graham

When The Ice Cream Man Loses His Job…

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Economics and employment are major factors within Blue Wealth’s research model. A key factor of this is the relevant unemployment rate, as unemployment can represent both qualitative and quantitative factors in a prospective investment area. One would first consider that those who are unemployed typically are not in a position to participate in the property purchasing market, which therefore has a negative effect on demand in the area. If this figure is consistently high over a period of time, the area is typically undesirable.

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Daniel Joseph

What Are We Building Now?

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

Recent data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows there was an increase in dwelling approvals through 2013, with 177,418 residential dwelling approvals. This is a 15.7 per cent increase, the biggest annual gain since January 2011. As RP Data analyst Cameron Kusher notes, housing construction is one of Australia’s key economic pillars, providing significant multiplier effects on the economy such as more jobs and increased demand for building materials, home furnishings, appliances and white goods.

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Daniel Joseph

We Drive How Far?!

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

A recent study by social research company McCrindle has revealed that nearly two in three Australians drive to work. The study found a 0.8 per cent increase in the number of car commuters compared with five years ago, amounting to 655,939 people daily. In addition, one in five train commuters also use a car for part of their journey, while one in ten bus passengers do the same.

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Daniel Joseph

Gen Alpha

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

A lot has been written about baby boomers, and many (including this author) are getting a little tired of them. Not of the generation of course, but of the endless stream of statistics, often with a slightly negative angle, about this (in)famous generation. For the record, the youngest cohort of boomers are set to reach 50 this year, with the oldest turning 68. This means Australia’s largest and wealthiest generation is now entering retirement, or at least has to seriously begin planning for it. Cue more stories!

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