Owun Taylor

My Father taught me to drive

Owun TaylorLeave a comment

I was 16 years old and literally bounced in the front door, ricocheting like a pinball all the way down the hallway bursting into the living room, landing in front of my television watching parents, my left hand waving a now slightly crumpled slip of paper.

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Gavin Chau

Renovating for profit vs passive investment

Gavin ChauLeave a comment

The question of whether an active or passive investment strategy is better is a perennial one—not only in real estate but also in equities and other asset markets. In property, an active strategy can take the form of renovations or flips. You could say flipping property (where you hold it for a short period before on-selling) is similar to share trading. However, the high transaction costs (such as stamp duty and agents fees) associated with buying and selling property usually make this an ineffective strategy. That’s before mentioning the 50% capital gains tax you’ll incur on any profit you manage to make.

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Luke Graham

What does Labor’s pivot on negative gearing mean for property investors?

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

In late-July, Michelle Grattan of the University of Canberra penned an article for The Conversation analysing Federal Labor’s ‘small target’ strategy ahead of the 2022 election. The “de-Shortening” of Labor casts aside previous plans to reform franking credit cash refunds and raise taxes on capital gains. In addition, it looks like Federal Labor won’t meddle with tax reform introduced by the Coalition, meaning people earning between $45,000 and $200,000 will face a marginal tax rate of 30 percent (scrapping the 37% rate) from 1 July 2024 onwards. Politically speaking, this appears to be a subtle shift toward the centre by Labor.

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Gavin Chau

Squid Game: art imitating life

Gavin Chau3 Comments on Squid Game: art imitating life

The hit Korean series on Netflix has reached No. 1 in 90 countries. It’s clear that something in the series has captured the zeitgeist, with its recurrent themes of rising levels of economic inequality, the slow death of the middle-class, and the desperation of the protagonist’s situation, where no matter what he does, he feels unable to get ahead. All while it’s being watched for the entertainment of the elite who seem to be able to do what they want with impunity.

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