Daniel Joseph

Build It Higher

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

How will Australia’s cities look in the future? Will it be a Pleasantville-like oasis of low-rise housing where people will commute to work with their electric cars and everyone will own their own block of land? Or will we be a city of high rises like something out of the movie The Fifth Element. Looking at current data it seems like we are moving towards a milder form of a high-rise city where the majority of the population will live in low–medium-rise apartments.

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Daniel Joseph

What about Gen X?

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

Poor Gen X; they are usually the least represented generation, Gen Y and the baby boomers are always hogging the limelight. If it isn’t a crazy weekend tainted by Gen Y doing something silly on the social media scene or a baby boomer giving their opinion of how out of control Gen Y are, Gen X are usually shafted into the corner because they don’t create sensationalist headlines that sell advertising space for the media. As much as the above scenario is a generalisation, the same poor representation of Gen X on the retirement scene is usually overshadowed by their parents, The baby boomers. When one thinks of retirement they recall marketing material depicting scenes of baby boomer couples walking along a beach enjoying their retirement or of one retiree going up the escalator and another going down to represent the returns on their super.

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Daniel Joseph

The Super Revolution

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

At the recent business partner briefing we spoke about the world of the Self Managed Super Fund. In short, it’s not just the new super environment; we see it as a financial revolution. This is because on average in the past financial year there have been over 184 Australians PER DAY starting an SMSF, double the number in 2010. There is no other sector of the financial industry that is experiencing this exponential growth, and we expect this trend to continue.

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Daniel Joseph

Baby Boomers, the Future and Beyond!!

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

You can usually find this somewhat opinionated generation appearing daily on our TV or radio networks lecturing us with their infinite wisdom of how things were done in their day. As much as this is a generalisation, the Baby Boomer cohort are really our much beloved parents or grandparents. However, if you ask the government they are defined as those born between 1946 and 1965. In 2011, the first of the Baby Boomers (born in 1946) reached the official preservation age of 65 and began to retire.

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Daniel Joseph

RP Data’s findings – Buying vs Renting

Daniel JosephLeave a comment

Last week RP Data released its new buy vs rent report. Unfortunately, many of you would have missed this report as like our weekly newsletter I am sure RP Data’s email gets forwarded straight into your deleted items or into the ‘too long basket’ or the ‘I’ll read later but never do’ folder. These emails are chock full of information and stats that are related directly to your industry, and your job so do read them.

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