Roy Azzi

Spiking construction costs – what it means for the property market

Roy AzziLeave a comment

One of the most common topics that has been popping up from my conversations with developers is the recent increase in the cost of building materials. In the last fortnight alone, I have come across 16 projects that have been shelved due to builders not committing to a build price, due to the uncertainty around the cost of materials. A global boom in construction and the resultant bottlenecks in the supply chain has seen container shipping rates triple or quadruple since the beginning of the year. A quick look at just about any freight index will show you just how expensive it has gotten to send a 40ft container from one end of the world to another.

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Luke Graham

How are the reopened economies going?

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Helen shared a great article last week about some of the challenges caused by the series of lockdowns we have all endured over the last 18 months or so. We’re starting to see a growing body of evidence of a mental health ‘shadow pandemic’, but what do things look like for populations who have emerged from the pandemic with higher vaccination rates and a closer resemblance to our pre-COVID lives..?

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Luke Graham

The market is hot. Should I sell?

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Upon the death of his father on 9 August 2016, a 25-year-old Englishman by the name of Hugh Richard Louis Grosvenor became the 7th Duke of Westminster. Along with this title came the inheritance of an estimated £9 billion (around $16.7 billion AUD). The duke’s wealth comes from real estate, an endeavour which his family have pursued for centuries. To illustrate his power and influence, consider that in 2013 he was named godfather of the future King George (eldest child of William and Kate).

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Luke Graham

How will Brisbane 2032 impact the property market?

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

On 21 July 2021, the International Olympic Committee formally awarded hosting rights to Brisbane and South-East Queensland for the 2032 games. There was little surprise to this announcement, with Brisbane and SEQ running unopposed for the 2032 games for quite some time. Nevertheless, the announcement was followed by celebrations across the Sunshine State and across Australia. Australians love our sport, and the Olympics are the pinnacle of international sporting events. Many Aussies who experienced the Sydney Olympics still regard it as one of the highlights of their life.

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Luke Graham

Where are Australia’s future homes being built?

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

From June 2020 to April 2021, the number of detached houses approved for development each month nearly doubled from 8,347 to 15,134. A key driver of this was the HomeBuilder grant, as well as other stimulus offered up to keep the Australian economy buoyant during the pandemic. Approvals of attached dwellings (such as townhouses and apartments) haven’t seen the same radical upswing, which means the bulk of new housing supply is made up of houses.

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