Luke Graham

FIRB report shows increased foreign investment in FY 2019-20

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

The Foreign Investment Review Board recently released their annual report. It shows that $17.1 billion of foreign investment over 7,056 transactions was approved in the 2019-20 financial year—the end of which included the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. These figures reflect a $2.3 billion increase on the previous financial year, but a decrease in the number of transactions. This means the average transaction size approved by FIRB increased from $1.97 million in FY 2018-19 to $2.42 million in FY 2019-20.

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Roy Azzi

Brisbane House and Land?

Roy AzziLeave a comment

In very recent times, Brisbane has finally started delivering on its long-anticipated price growth. The market is stronger than I can remember, with median house prices in many suburbs increasing by over $100,000. If you are holding an investment property in Brisbane, I know it has been frustrating over the past couple of years. Trust me, I am personally invested in Brisbane and so are many of my colleagues. We are now about to experience our biggest uplift in recent times.

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Luke Graham

An update on the Footscray market

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Back in 2014, our research team undertook a field trip to Melbourne in search of competitive markets which bucked the Melbournian trend of undersized and poorly designed homes. One market that stood out to us was Footscray—a suburb many locals overlooked because of its slower rate of gentrification.

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Luke Graham

Why I sold early and missed six figures of equity

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

A few weeks ago, we discussed the case of a property investor in Brisbane who grew frustrated by a two-year period of weak performance in his asset and sold it for a loss—only for this positively geared asset to grow in value by 10 percent over the following 15 months. There are many cases of this around the country, with CoreLogic reporting 10.1 percent of properties being sold at a loss in Q4 2020. Data shows those most at risk are investors who only hold their asset for a short-term period (less than four years).

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Luke Graham

Investor borrowing returns to boom-era levels

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Over the past 6-12 months, most talk about the post-pandemic property boom has centred around owner occupiers. This is for good reason. Between May 2020 and March 2021, monthly lending to owner occupiers nearly doubled from $12 billion to $22.4 billion. Of those amounts, $3.7 billion in May 2020 was from first home buyers, which reached $6.8 billion by March 2021. The silent achiever over this time, however, was the resurgent investor market. Between February and March 2021, monthly new loan commitments for investors grew more than any other month-on-month period since records began two decades ago. On a percentage basis, the last time month-on-month growth was this high was in July 2003.

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Luke Graham

One risk to avoid during the 2021 housing boom

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

The ABS’s recent release of building activity around the country has shown a return to construction volumes last experienced in 2018. The seasonally adjusted figure for the final quarter of 2020 indicates 51,055 dwellings were commenced—33,761 of which were detached houses. The 16,049 ‘other’ dwellings (including apartments and townhouses) continue to be a far cry from the last peak in Q1 2018, when the figure was 28,702.

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