Luke Graham

Home value index: a rising tide lifts all boats

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

With the first quarter of 2021 behind us, CoreLogic have released the March 2021 results of their capital city home value index. All Australian capitals experienced price index increases over the month for both houses and units, indicating that many Australian property investors are better off now than they were a month ago. In some areas, the growth experienced over the month of March 2021 would usually be considered a decent amount for a year. Hobart units, for instance, grew 4.9 percent over the month, while Sydney houses grew by 4.32 percent.

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Roy Azzi

Comparable sales vs comparable product

Roy AzziLeave a comment

I thought of writing this article after a recent conversation with Fiona, our Client Services Manager, about an upcoming project settlement. The project is amazing! It’s an iconic building in a strong growth area. The challenge we face is that there is nothing remotely similar to compare it to on value. I mentioned to Fiona that valuers will struggle to accurately value the project. A valuer’s sole job is to value a property using comparable sales as evidence for the ‘market value’ they place on a purchase. To make it even more difficult for the valuer, those sales must have occurred in the last three months. The biggest frustration I have with valuations is that they can cause doubt in the minds of investors. Sometimes, people will not invest in a property which actually represents amazing value—solely because of recent comparable sales data which clouds their confidence in their investment.

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Luke Graham

When do people leave Sydney?

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Sydney is Australia’s most populous city, so it’s no wonder we hear a lot about the number of people leaving. Aside from the coronavirus pandemic, Sydney’s exodus was largely an interstate and intrastate occurrence, meaning that those leaving Sydney mostly moved elsewhere in New South Wales or Australia. Growth in Sydney’s population is therefore largely attributed to net increases in overseas migration.

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