Luke Graham

A good example of why you should hold long term

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Since our inception, Blue Wealth Property have been advocating for long-term holds. Even at times when ‘property flipping’ was a fad (which is usually in upward markets). We’ve spoken about the reasons before, usually at least a couple of times each year in the research blog. On some occasions we are able to share examples of property investors who successfully deployed a long-term strategy to their benefit. On other occasions, it is a less comfortable conversation about a property investor who didn’t do so, and it cost them big time.

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Helen Matsoukas

Mixed Tape – Side B

Helen MatsoukasLeave a comment

Remember the days when making your playlist consisted of sitting a nose away from your boom box, listening to your local radio station and holding your fingers steady and ready to hit the red record button as soon as your favourite tune came on? You’d dance around the lounge room a little then run like a mad person back to the boom box to hit the pause button right before the song ended so you didn’t record the voice of the radio disc jockey.

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Luke Graham

Record high property prices

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Yesterday, CoreLogic announced Australian home values reached an all-time high in January, as the data company released its monthly home value index numbers. The cities leading national performance over the past 12 months were Darwin and Canberra, however regional areas have outperformed the combined capitals. Owner occupiers are driving the market, with ABS figures showing that lending to owner occupiers increased by 38.9 percent in the 12 months to December 2020. Annual growth for investor lending increased by 10.9 percent, leading to an all-time record volume of new housing finance in December 2020.

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Luke Graham

Is everybody really flocking from the city to the countryside?

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

One of the hottest topics of the past 12 months has been the droves of families relocating from major cities to the countryside—taking advantage of a more relaxed lifestyle and lower rates of coronavirus infection while maintaining their careers over Zoom, Slack and other digital collaboration platforms. Reinforcing this is an upswing in office vacancy rates, with data from the Property Council of Australia (PCA) indicating 9.2 percent of office space was without a paying tenant in mid-2020. Sentiment in the office sector was a more damning statistic, with the capital growth expectations index of office space falling from 18.2 in December 2019 to -65.6 by June 2020.

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Luke Graham

Beware the “only I said so” property gurus

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Now that an exhausting 2020 is behind us, members of the global community are looking to 2021 and beyond in hope of a roaring 20’s version two. Economic data from the OECD indicates that many economies are progressively returning to their pre-pandemic outputs, and Australia has come out as one of the world’s best with respect to concurrently mitigating COVID-19 mortality and economic downturn.

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Luke Graham

Value of Australian housing climbed $90 billion in September Quarter

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

Last week, the Australian Bureau of Statistics released their heavily anticipated Residential Property Price Index for Q3 2020, showing growth in median prices for most cities and regional markets. Why was Q3 of so much interest? Aside from Melbourne, Q3 is when most of the country shifted the coronavirus pandemic to their rear-view mirror. Accumulatively, the growth in housing values represents approximately $90 billion of additional equity in the residential property market. The total value of dwelling stock is now at a record high $7.28 trillion. In addition, the average Australian home is worth 4.5 percent more than it was 12 months ago.

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Joshua Mellick

Amenity in a work-from-home future

Joshua MellickLeave a comment

Over the year, commercial real estate vacancy rates have surged across Australia (and the world), with the national CBD office market vacancy rate increasing from 8.4 per cent to 10.2 per cent in Q2 2020. As of August, data from indicates that major cities like Sydney and Melbourne have felt the full effect. Vacancy rates jumped from 5.8 per cent to 7.5 per cent in Sydney and rates doubled from 3.4 per cent to 7.7 per cent in Melbourne. Other cities like Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide have seen less dramatic spikes. Canberra has been spared, with vacancy tightening thanks to the public service.

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Luke Graham

6 reasons Australia is such an attractive place to live

Luke GrahamLeave a comment

According to data from the OECD, Australia is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. As far as western countries are concerned, we are only slightly outpaced by New Zealand, Luxembourg and Iceland. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, a large proportion of Australia’s population growth came from immigration. The 2016 census tells us that one-third of our population weren’t born here and less than half of us were born to two Australian-born parents… so why Australia of all places?

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