Helping your kids into the property market - what you need to know - via Webinar

Blue Zone (Blue Wealth Office) - Level 2, 8 Australia Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127

Thursday, 6th June 2024 6:30pm - 8:30pm

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Blue Wealth Property
In today's property market, most young adults feel like 
it's impossible to buy property. What if we could show
you how you can help?
House Price
We are debunking
the myth that your
kids will never be
able to buy property  
House Price
Find solutions to help
your adult kids enter the
property market sooner
House Price
Learn where the property
markets are, and what
opportunities the research
is uncovering
Thursday, 6th June 2024 | 7:00pm AEST via Webinar
Speaker Bio

Dr Tony Hayek is the CEO and Founder of Blue Wealth Property.
He is a leader in the property industry and he regularly presents
educational seminars to investors and industry professionals around
the country. Tony created his personal wealth through property and he
is passionate about teaching others how they can too.

Who is Blue Wealth?
Blue Wealth Property is a property research company helping Australians
to choose the right property, in the right market, at the right time.
Our property selections are the result of our comprehensive research
methodology and we have an ongoing commitment to educating
Australians about investing in property.
Blue Wealth Property Blue Wealth Property Blue Wealth Property Blue Wealth Property
Blue Wealth Property
In today's property market, most young adults feel like 
it's impossible to buy property. What if we could show
you how you can help?
House Price
We are debunking
the myth that your
kids will never be
able to buy property  
House Price
Find solutions to help
your adult kids enter the
property market sooner
House Price
Learn where the property
markets are, and what
opportunities the research
is uncovering
Thursday, 6th June 2024 | 7:00pm AEST via Webinar
Speaker Bio

Dr Tony Hayek is the CEO and Founder of Blue Wealth Property.
He is a leader in the property industry and he regularly presents
educational seminars to investors and industry professionals around
the country. Tony created his personal wealth through property and he
is passionate about teaching others how they can too.

Who is Blue Wealth?
Blue Wealth Property is a property research company helping Australians
to choose the right property, in the right market, at the right time.
Our property selections are the result of our comprehensive research
methodology and we have an ongoing commitment to educating
Australians about investing in property.
Blue Wealth Property Blue Wealth Property Blue Wealth Property Blue Wealth Property