How to pay your mortgage off with an investment property - via webinar

Webinar Only -

Tuesday, 25th June 2024 7:00pm - 8:30pm

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Blue Wealth Property
Blue Wealth Property
House Price
How to save years
off your mortgage
House Price
What steps you need to
develop a sound investment
property strategy
House Price
How to use leverage
to create wealth through
Tuesday, 25 June 2024 | 7:00pm AEST start
Webinar only
You will receive your link once you register
Speaker Bio
Owun has been in the industry for almost 20 years and has a great deal
of knowledge in property investment. He has helped hundreds
of Australian's build their property portfolio and is
extremely passionate about sharing his knowledge.
Who is Blue Wealth?
Blue Wealth Property is a property research company helping Australians
to choose the right property, in the right market, at the right time.
Our property selections are the result of our comprehensive research
methodology and we have an ongoing commitment to educating
Australians about investing in property.
Blue Wealth Property Blue Wealth Property Blue Wealth Property Blue Wealth Property
Blue Wealth Property
Blue Wealth Property
House Price
How to save years
off your mortgage
House Price
What steps you need to
develop a sound investment
property strategy
House Price
How to use leverage
to create wealth through
Tuesday, 25 June 2024 | 7:00pm AEST start
Webinar only
You will receive your link once you register
Speaker Bio
Owun has been in the industry for almost 20 years and has a great deal
of knowledge in property investment. He has helped hundreds
of Australian's build their property portfolio and is
extremely passionate about sharing his knowledge.
Who is Blue Wealth?
Blue Wealth Property is a property research company helping Australians
to choose the right property, in the right market, at the right time.
Our property selections are the result of our comprehensive research
methodology and we have an ongoing commitment to educating
Australians about investing in property.
Blue Wealth Property Blue Wealth Property Blue Wealth Property Blue Wealth Property