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We’re ten days into the New Year and research tells us that more than 40% of us will ditch our resolutions by the end of January. By the end of the year only 8% of us would have accomplished our New Year goals.

Some of you may have already lapsed on your resolutions. Don’t beat yourself up if you have. We tend to be pretty short-sighted when it comes to achieving our goals (in pursuit of instant gratification), however wide-eyed we are when setting them. A lack of accountability is also to blame. While it opens you up to vulnerability, sharing your resolutions with friends and family can dramatically increase your odds of success.

Above my desk I have two quotes;

  1. ‘The best way to predict your future is to create it’ – Abraham Lincoln
  2. ‘We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons’ – Jim Rohn

Now you can’t create your future without the discipline and courage to push through the ups and downs. For me, discipline is principally derived from setting goals and building a plan. If you haven’t already heard our CEO tell his story of goal setting, take the few minutes and watch it now.

What can you do today to improve your health, your relationships, your finances or your business? Why is it important to do so? I realise I’m sounding more like Tony Robbins than a property analyst, but the truth is, all the analysis and research in the world counts for little if you’re not motivated to create your future.

Psychologist Paul Marciano says, and I agree, achieving your goals isn’t about willpower. It’s about setting a plan, executing strategies, and having patience. Will 2017 be the year you join the 8%?



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